Intellectual Property

Indeed, imitation may be the highest form of praise, yet appropriating our name, emblem, or written material can lead to severe repercussions for both Travel wz us and yourself. We kindly ask you to avoid doing so. Additionally, if you encounter any questionable usage of our name or material while traveling, please do not hesitate to contact us.


The most crucial asset of our company is our brand (encompassing trademarks such as the Travel wz us title and emblem, among others), as it enables you to identify us and the products we offer.

We must prevent unauthorized brand usage by safeguarding our legal rights and ensuring you are not deceived or bewildered by others utilizing our title. You should be able to distinguish between a Travel wz us product or service, a recommendation from us, and something unrelated.

We strictly prohibit businesses from incorporating the Travel wz Us name within their own. If you come across anything appearing questionable, please do not hesitate to inform us.


Utilizing a different business's name (or similar terms) within a website's domain to redirect individuals to your page is called 'cybersquatting,' which violates trademark rights.

You are currently on our official website. If you encounter a website that seems to be operated by Travel wz us but does not have a connection to our leading site, it is likely, not authentic. Please inform us!


We devote significant energy, hours, financial resources, and personal ingenuity to our offerings, safeguarded by copyright laws.

As a result, authorization is necessary before replicating our material. We approve entities like educational institutions and non-profit organizations, for instance. Additionally, we issue licenses to other companies (which explains the presence of our content on various websites). In every instance, we mandate recognition as the content's proprietors.

Occasionally, there's no need to obtain permission to utilize the content. We don't hold exclusive rights to information accessible to anyone. However, we undeniably own the specific language we've employed, our graphics and illustrations, and the end products resulting from our information or data compilation.